The Grand Champion and Senior Champion of the 2011 International Holstein Show was Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy. Missy was also a World Dairy Expo class winner in 2009 as well as Reserve Intermediate...
The Secretary of Labor, under the Fair Labor Standards Act, is charged with prohibiting employment of youth in occupations that she deems particularly hazardous. The current target, as they propose to...
There is an old saying in rural America: Farmers don't want to own all the land in the county, just the land that touches their property. With hot demand for farm commodities and the need for additional...
If the appropriate conditions are met, late summer alfalfa seeding is an opportunity you should take advantage of. According to Dan Undersander, extension forage agronomist at the University of Wisconsin,...
Ben Logan's The Land Remembers was originally published in 1975. He is now 90 years old and lives in Viroqua, Wis. Photo by Caroline Beckett used with permission of Itchy Cat Press. As a transplant to...
Whole Foods Market is phasing in a new five-step animal welfare rating program for all chicken, beef, and pork products (Click here for their animal welfare page). At the least, all animal products must...
The triple combination of sedentary technology such as video games and the internet, reduced physical activity, and eating poor diets are just some of the contributing factors causing over one-third of...
It's just one state and it may not reflect what is happening across the rest of U.S. agriculture, but it's still good news in an industry that can certainly use some: Farmland values in Indiana are shooting...
Dean Foods Company will pay $30 million to settle allegations by a group of dairy farmers that it monopolized the Northeast milk market, reports attorneys representing the plaintiffs. The settlement fund...
Where are land prices headed? They are up everywhere except where dairy cows are found. That's the short answer to a more complicated question. Farmland prices jumped 10 percent during the third quarter...
We recently received a note from Scott Crandell, a dairy nutritionist in Mifflintown, Pa. One of his clients, Centerview Farm also of Mifflintown, experienced a remarkable delivery this fall. Shown below...
Now that the dust is settling a week after results of the 10th and most recent Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) Herd Retirement were announced, let's look at what they might say about dairy producers...
The annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association is currently underway in Denver, Colo. The event is home to presentations on the very latest in dairy research - we've seen research presented...
Lameness is one of the most serious and costly issues for dairy producers. Studies have estimated that between 25 and 30 percent of lactating cows in Canada and the United States are lame. Lameness is...
We at Hoard's decided to do June Dairy Month with a bang this year. Not only are we celebrating the 125th anniversary of our magazine with a special anniversary issue and a new Foster Mothers of the Human...